Who is Alec George Hare
You, who visits this Website probably wonders …
Who is behind the whole and where does this passion come from for Middle Ages and especially Scotland?
I would like to answer this Question.

I was born in 1981 in Leonberg near Stuttgart.
First, I lived with my Parents in Stgt. Weilimdorf, when 6 years later my Sister was born. We moved to Hirschlanden a district of Ditzingen, where I finally went to School. Every two years, this school made a one-week trip to England, where I traveled for the first time in 1997. There I had the first contact with the Middle Ages, as during our Visit to Heaver Castle was a small medieval market.
Like almost everyone, I spent my dime-free time in Puplic Societys. At first it was very classic the Scouts -yes, I know something cliche- later it was then a bit more demanding … I joined the German Red Cross and committed myself for many years as an honorary youth work and readiness. By my taste in Music, which at first consisted mainly of Hard Rock, I went to various Festivals, which also landed me several times on the Wave-Gothic-Meeting in Leipzig. Here was my second contact with the Middle Ages in the form of the Pagan Village and I felt the first interest grow in me and I started to put together my first Garb.

You guessed it … It was a scottish Garb!
I came to this through my Ancestry. As already mentioned, I grew up in the small Town Hirschlanden, which has a celtic History. I’ve always been fascinated by Films and Documentaries about Scotland, and as a born Swabian, I always felt connected to them.
There’s a little joke here … “What are Scots? Scots are Swabians who have been expelled from the Country because they were too stingy. “
I was warmly received by the Middle Ages Community and quickly became friends while I was trying to learn as much as possible about Scotland and his History and to develop myself. My Notoriety at the Markets grew as well as my knowledge that I have translated my real name. That’s how i have been Alec George Hare.

When I was invited to an Event in 2018, I met the Commissoner of the Clan MacKinnon Society Germany with whom I had ample time. Before we said bye he made me the offer of symbolic Adoption, an old scottish Law with which the Families and Clans have mutually strengthened and supported each other and is still partially used today. I accepted the offer and followed the Tradition of Bow O`Meal, which is mainly known by the Clan Fraser of Lovat. Thus, a Person, or a Clan who lives in or near another Clan Area, agrees to accept their names in recognition and gratitude for their protection and support. Alec George Hare finally became Alec George Hare MacKinnon and their and Contact Person for the region of Baden-Württemberg.
A few years later we finally founded the Clan MacKinnon – Germany registered association, of which I was elected chairman. However, at the beginning of 2023 I had to give up my work for the MacKinnons for personal and time reasons.
In my attempt to find out something about my family history, I have had to rely on DNA databases, among other things.
This revealed that there was a connection to one clan or another through distant relationships. Finally, in the middle of 2024, I was invited by Clan MacTavish to become a member due to the multiple connections to the Thompson line, which I considered a great honour and gratefully accepted.